The Relationship between Head Nurses’ Servant Leadership and Nurses’ Commitment to Work

Document Type : Original Article


1 Bachelor of Nursing Sciences, Faculty of Nursing, Cairo University, Egypt

2 Professor of Nursing Administration Department, Faculty of Nursing, Damanhour University, Egypt

3 Lecturer of Nursing Administration Department, Faculty of Nursing, Damanhour University, Egypt


Background: Servant leadership focuses on serving others to meet the nurses' needs and optimize performance by developing self-empowerment and raising nurses' commitment, retention, and encouragement. Aim: to examine the relationship between head nurses’ servant leadership and nurses’ commitment to work at Damanhour Oncology Center. Methods: a descriptive correlational research design was used at Damanhour Oncology Center, El-Beheira Governorate, Egypt, in all inpatient and outpatient units, for all head nurses and their assistants and staff nurses. Tools: two tools were used: tool Ι: Servant Leadership Questionnaire (SLQ); tool Π: Organizational Commitment Questionnaire.  Results: Nursing staff had high scores for servant leadership and organizational commitment. There is highly statistical relationship between total head nurse's' servant leadership and total nurses’ commitment to work. Conclusion: there are positive highly statistically significant correlations between total head nurse's' servant leadership, all its dimensions and total nurses’ commitment to work, all its dimensions. Recommendations: The managers should provide opportunities for staff nurses to grow and develop build confidence and encourage them to handle important career decisions. The managers should facilitate work group building, carry out long-term plans and solve work problems with new creative ideas.
