The Relationship between Body Image, Self-concept as well as Resilience for Successful aging among academic emeritus...

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Lecturer of Gerontological Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Damanhour University. Egypt

2 Professor of Gerontological Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Damanhour University. Egypt

3 Lecturer of Gerontological Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Damanhour University. Egypt


Background: All individuals without exception will go through the aging process. Invariably, this process comes with a variety of losses, from physical to functional, psychological, and social. These losses can stimulate dissatisfaction with one’s body image, lowering self-esteem and disturb self-concept as whole. So, it is important for older people to promote resilience to facilitate successful aging. Aim: to identify the relationship between body image, self-concept as well as resilience for successful aging among academic emeritus. Research design: a descriptive correlational research design. Settings: This study was conducted in 10 faculties in Damanhur University, El-Beheira governorate, Egypt. Subjects: all academic emeritus in Damanhur University .Tools: Tool I: Socio-demographic data Structured Interview Schedule. Tool II: The Body Appreciation Scale. Tool III: Robson Self Concept Questionnaire. Tool IV: Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale. Tool V: A structured successful aging predictor’s questionnaire. Results: More than half of the studied academic emeritus had moderate level of body appreciation, moderate level of self–concept, and high level of resilience. Conclusion: Based on the study findings, it can be concluded that there was a statistically significant relationship between body image, self-concept, resilience and successful aging predictor’s among the studied academic emeritus. Recommendations: Conducting psycho-educational program for the academic staff in Damanhur University about successful aging and mental health promotion from early adulthood to prepare for retirement.
